

SHFCA's mission aims are to:

  • Be the main driver for the development of the Hydrogen and Fuel Cell industry in its broadest sense in Scotland

  • Have an effective presence and represent the industry at Scottish, UK and EU levels

  • Engage with government in Scotland and in the UK on behalf of the industry

  • Communicate the wider benefits from using hydrogen and fuel cell technologies with renewable energy and cleantech

  • Identify and facilitate business opportunities for members

  • Provide networking opportunities for members

  • Act as a vehicle for attracting funds for member companies and projects

  • Propose projects in which members can participate

  • Provide opportunities for collaborative working among members

  • Promote member organisations’ and our collective capability

  • Provide a forum for sharing information and raising awareness

  • Advise on and create best practice for the industry

  • Be a source of advice and facilitate access to relevant technical expertise